TITLE: Letter from Elizabeth Edwards in London to John Bowne
DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.02-15
DATE: 24 April 1678 (Old Style) / 4 May 1678 (New Style)

Elizabeth Edwards writes to John Bowne, regretting that she missed his visit and asking for information regarding her kinswomen, Mary Partridge and her husband, hoping for "any ground of encouragement regarding...their good conversation."
Edward hopes that the Lord will accompany Bowne as he returns home to his children without his wife Hannah Feake Bowne [who passed away in London in February 1677/8]. She notes that although there is sorrow at her passing, there is joy in knowing that his wife is at peace with the Lord. Edwards closes by sending her true love to Bowne, his children, and Westbury, Long Island Quaker George Masters.
The identity of Elizabeth Edwards is unknown at present.
"...when thou camest home without their dear mother" refers to the recent death of John Bowne's wife, Hannah Feake Bowne, in London following her missionary travels throughout the British Isles and on the Continent. John Bowne was present at her death on the 31st of the 11th month, 1677 (31 January 1677 Old Style/11 February, 1678 New Style) and testified at her burial (see BFP #2018.1.03-10).
George Masters (1650-c.1690): English Quaker and tailor who married in Westbury, Long Island in 1678.