TITLE: Letter from Bartholomew Hornor to John Bowne, “from my prison house in Wakefield, 6 miles of Leeds"
DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.02-06
DATE: 1 November 1664 (Old Style) / 11 November 1664 (New Style)

Bartholomew Horner writes to John Bowne "from my prison house in Wakefield, six miles of Leeds in Yorkshire" about the death of his cousin Thomas Horner during a transatlantic voyage with Bowne. Horner also reports on Quaker prisoners at his location and in York Castle, on George Fox and Margaret Fell imprisoned at Lancaster, and on the welfare of English Quakers generally, concluding with greetings to his brother, Isaac Horner of Oyster Bay on Long Island.
This letter was entrusted to William Storrs at Chesterfield and/or to Quaker preacher and missionary Joan Brocksopp at Little Normanton, Derbyshire, who was a friend and correspondent of John Bowne and his wife Hannah (Feake) Bowne.