TITLE: Letter from Daniel Toals [Tolles] to John Bowne, c/o Samuel Carpenter in Philadelphia
DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.02-19
DATE: 4 December, 1690 (Old Style) / 14 December, 1690 (New Style)

Dan Toals [Daniel Tolles] writes to John Bowne from Philadelphia care of Samuel Carpenter, attempting to recover the services of an indentured servant who is now working for Bowne instead. He is willing to let Bowne buy out his contract for 25 pounds of New York money, although he values the man's help at over 40. Tolles apologizes for not meeting Bowne on the latter's recent visit to Philadelphia due to his ill health, but volunteers Carpenter to advance any expenses that he owes or any debts incurred by the servant. His purchase of a horse from Bowne is contingent on being compensated for the servant, due to Tolle's straitened circumstances. However, he defers to Bowne's judgment on all matters.
”Dan Toals” [Daniel Tolles]: Unidentified at present; presumably a member of Philadelphia’s Quaker community.
"my servant": unnamed indentured servant, evidently now working for John Bowne instead of his original master. A subsequent letter references the man’s “run-away time,” indicating that he has absconded from his former master.
Samuel Carpenter (1649-1714), friend and associate of William Penn and Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania from 1694-1698