Adams Deed, 1675

TITLE: Deed, John Adams to John Bowne

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.01-12

DATE: 20 September 1675 (Old Style) / 30 September 1675 (New Style)

John Adams sells John Bowne a four-acre lot for twelve pounds; the property fronts to "the Street" and is otherwise bounded by the land of Richard Stockton and Richard Wilday, and by John Bowne’s own property. The ownership of this land had some gaps in documentation, necessitating a deed to be posthumously issued, along with an authorization for sale from the administrator of the prior owner’s estate (see the following document, BFP #2018.1.01-13: Retroactive Deed of Land to Robert Terry, deceased, from Richard Wilday & Authorization from John Hinchman, Estate Administrator, for sale to John Bowne, issued one day later.)