Jessop Deed, 1690/1

TITLE: Deed, Edward Jessop to John Bowne

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.01-14

DATE: 15 February 1690/1 (Old Style) / 25 February 1691 (New Style)

Edward Jessop of Fairfield, CT. sells John Bowne a half share of salt meadow near the Mill in Forster's Neck, Newtown. This land was previously owned by his father, Edward Jessop the elder, who had lived in Flushing some years before. The exact location of “Forster’s Neck” is unknown, but Newtown lay near present-day Forest Hills and Corona on the west bank of Flushing Creek. Salt meadow refers to marshy land used to grow so-called “salt hay” or “salt wheat,” prized as nutritious animal fodder among many other uses.