John Feake Deed, 1665

TITLE: Deed, John Feke [Feake] to John Bowne

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.01-06

DATE: 8 November 1665 (Old Style) / 18 November 1665 (New Style)

John Feake of Flushing sells John Bowne a four-acre lot of upland bounded on the East and South by the Common path, on the West with the land of Charles Bruggs and Richard Cornell, and on the North by Bowne's own land; purchase includes a share of fresh meadow and a share of salt meadow within the bounds of Flushing. (John Feake is the younger brother of Bowne’s wife Hannah; though he moved from Flushing to Matinecock near Oyster Bay, he remained close to the Bownes and performed carpentry and joinery for them, including building them a barn. He is sometimes referenced as “brother John” in the Bownes’ correspondence.)