John Feake Deed, 1668/9

TITLE: Deed, John Feke (Feake) to John Bowne

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.01-08

DATE: 10 March 1668/9 (Old Style) / 20 March 1669 (New Style)

John Feake of Killingsworth near Oyster Bay sells John Bowne of Flushing fifty acres of upland meadow No. 60 lying in Newton's Neck, located west of Doughty's Swamp and "butting to the hills." (Feake was the brother of John Bowne’s first wife, Hannah Feake Bowne. He too became a Quaker and remained close to the couple, doing carpentry and joinery for them.) This deed was written and witnessed by James Clement, who came to Flushing in 1663 as John Bowne's indentured servant (see BFP 2018.1.01-16) and became the Flushing Town Clerk at the end of his term of service.