Evernden Letter, no date

TITLE: Letter from Thomas Evernden to John and Hannah Bowne, others

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.03-09

DATE: No date; before 1678


Prominent Maryland Quaker Thomas Evernden sends an Epistle, or religious letter, for the Bownes to share with a select group of fellow Quakers. This document shows the enduring ties between the Society of Friends in Flushing and those in the colony of Maryland, ties no doubt cemented by Hannah’s 1674/5 religious visit there. Evernden’s mention here of the preaching of Lydia Wright, one of three charismatic Wright sisters, also illustrates the influence of female preachers and missionaries in the Society of Friends. The date is not visible, but must fall before Hannah’s death in February 1678 (New Style), and likely precedes her 1676 departure on her final mission abroad.