Lawrence Deed, 1660

TITLE: Deed, William Lawrence to John Bowne

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.01-04

DATE: 3 March 1660 (New Style) 

William Lawrence sells John Bowne a 4-acre lot between the property of Thomas Cheartman and the land that Bowne had bought from Nicholas Pearsall about one month earlier (see BFP #2018.1.02-03). For more on Lawrence, see Lauren Brincat’s article Material Life on the Long Island Frontier: The Inventory of Captain William Lawrence, Flushing, 1680. (An original copy of this inventory is also in the Bowne House Archives.) Given the date, either this plot or the adjacent one purchased from Pearsall may have been the home lot on which the Bowne House was built a year later. This is the last deed in our collection to be written and witnessed by Flushing town clerk Edward Hart, draughtsman of the Flushing Remonstrance; in the early 1660s he disappears from the Flushing records altogether.