Pearsall Deed, 1660

TITLE: Deed, Nicholas Pearsall to John Bowne

DOCUMENT ID: BFP 2018.1.01-03

DATE: 29 January 1660 (New Style)  

Nicholas Pearsall sells John Bowne a four-acre lot in Flushing formerly owned by a Mark Menlove. The property is bordered by the holdings of prominent land-owner William Lawrence and those of William Hallett. Hallett was the step-father of Bowne’s wife, Hannah Feake Bowne, and thus Bowne’s de facto father-in-law. Given the date of purchase, this may have been the home lot on which the Bowne House was built a year later. The document was written and witnessed by Flushing town clerk Edward Hart, draughtsman of the Flushing Remonstrance; those familiar with the latter document will recognize Hart’s distinctive handwriting.